12月10日,第十三届中国国际服务外包交易博览会在湖北省武汉市中国光谷科技会展中心拉开帷幕。金沙集团3354CC以“2024年数字服务暨服务外包领军企业”获奖企业受邀出席。On December 10, the 13th China International Service Outsourcing Expo officially opened at the China Optics Valley Science and Technology Exhibition Center in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Wasion was invited to attend as a "2024 Leading Enterprise in Digital Services and Service Outsourcing."
本届博览会聚焦“数实融合,引领发展”主题,由中国国际投资促进会主办,聚焦国际数字服务暨服务外包领域政策解读、趋势发布、项目交易等重点内容务实开展研讨对话、商务交流等活动。“2024年数字服务暨服务外包领军企业推介活动”同期举行,会上公布领军企业评选结果。This year’s expo, themed “Digital-Physical Integration, Leading Development,” was organized by China Council for International Investment Promotion. It focused on key areas such as policy interpretation, trend forecasting, and project trading within the international digital services and outsourcing sectors. The "2024 Leading Enterprises in Digital Services and Service Outsourcing" promotion event was held concurrently, during which the results of the enterprise evaluation were announced.
金沙集团3354CC继2023年作为湖南省独家获得“数字服务暨服务外包领军企业百强企业”、“优秀案例”荣誉后,再次荣获2024年数字服务暨服务外包领军企业“百强企业”、“国际合作领军企业(一带一路)”奖项。Following its recognition in 2023 as the exclusive recipient of the “Top 100 Digital Services and Service Outsourcing Enterprises” and “Outstanding Case” honors in Hunan Province, Wasion was once again awarded in 2024 as a “Top 100 Digital Service and Leading Service Providers” and “International Cooperation Leading Enterprise (Belt and Road Initiative).”长期以来,金沙集团3354CC聚焦国际化发展战略,积极响应 “一带一路” 倡议,借助数字化服务优势,优化全球业务布局,持续加大数字技术研发投入,提升产品智能化水平,以创新服务模式拓展国际合作网络,不断为行业迈向智能化、国际化的新高度以及全球能源与数字经济融合发展贡献金沙集团3354CC力量。For years, Wasion has focused on its international growth strategy, tapping into the potential of markets along the Belt and Road. The company has optimized its global business footprint by leveraging its digital services expertise. With continued investment in digital technology and smarter products, Wasion is expanding its international collaboration network through innovative service models. This contributes to the industry's push towards greater intelligence and global integration of energy and digital economies.